Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Category: knitting (Page 4 of 5)

Holy Whipstitch, Batman!

Gosh, I was toying with rolling through my weekend events backwards, but I’m more likely to forget things if I go that route. So, fair warning, this is going to be a loooooong post, because lots happened & lots of miles were traveled, and there’s just so much to talk about! And there are pictures! Go grab something tasty to drink, and put a little Pete Yorn on the iTunes, and read along…..

Saturday: I left the house, late, to head to El Dorado Kansas. Now, if you’re from the general area you know that it’s not pronounced the way Texas says their city. It’s El Do-RAY-do, a long “a”. I put that in as a snippet of trivia, and because my Auntie Karen couldn’t believe her ears last week when I said it. I’ve never been west of Lawrence or Topeka, driving, so it was an adventure! It rained pretty much the entire way, sometimes a downpour of biblical proportions, sometimes a light drizzle, so my OCD got a workout adjusting the wiper blades to the perfectly correct calibration based on the varying degrees of rain. I went through the Flint Hills, which were stunning. Breathtakingly beautiful! I love how this country has such wildly varying terrain and I am always awed at the new things I’ve never seen before. These hills were a color of green not ordinarily seen in my everyday life. I was blown away, and inspired to dye some yarn, quite frankly. I then tried to take some pictures, but alas, was unable to capture exactly what my eyes saw.
Unbelievable Greens

Big grey sky, rolling hills, little lagoons and ponds dotting amongst the undulating earth. Simply gorgeous.
Sunshine is Somewhere Up There!

Oh the rain.
Rain on the Toll Road

I finally arrived at my destination, and met Laura, to get started on seaming up the afghans for the folks of Greensburg. We could’ve used a few more hands, but with a little instruction, Susanna, Laura’s 11-year old daughter, was put to work on an afghan with me & we were able to finish the 56-block blanket that day. I started a second one & will get that done soon! There were two television stations covering the event, and I caught one snippet feature on the 10p news that night – Kyra was seaming & looked up at the camera and said “hi!”!!!! Laura is going to bring a bunch of sorted squares to Kansas City & work with Cindy at the Studio to get them seamed up by volunteers here – I know there are numerous folks who’d love to pitch in locally, and with enough helpers, we’ll have the survivors of that devastating tornado at least wrapped up in some local, national & international love in no time!
Completed Afghans for Greensburg

Our Seaming - Purples & Pinks

OK! Are you still here! Good! We’re only one day into the monologue! At the end of the day, I toodled on in to Wichita, taking a very circuitous route, because I was not clear on how to get back to the highway, so I made my own route. It was ok, but a bit longer than it should have been. Then, I hit Wichita, and frankly, Wichita? We need to talk. The fact that all the roads have not one, not two, but THREE highway numbers? And your signs are sometimes placed at varying degrees of closeness to the actual exit? Well, let’s just say that if you’re trying to discourage people from living there, this is an excellent way to do it. I ended up sailing north again, and because I had printed off, um, like, 5 different map scenarios for myself, I realized pretty quickly I was no longer headed towards my bed & breakfast. So I got off on 13th Street, and deduced I could head west on that street, catch another highway & go back south. See, I didn’t want to turn around and find myself back at the intersection where it had all gone badly the first time. Plus, who doesn’t want to do a little exploring?

Let me tell you this much. Thirteenth Street? It definitely has an abrupt line where it goes from one socio-economic class to one quite its opposite. I can’t find a picture of it, but I about threw my neck out when I sailed by what could arguably be called a castle. The biggest building ever. Ornate, lush grass, and the omnipresent gates. The gates were big. High. Sturdy. Some of the gated communities had little guard houses (with guards!) and I was surprised. But then it quickly became clear why. The drop from Big Money to No Money was steep and fast. I was in the ghetto in a matter of blocks. The vast divide grows wider between the have & have nots. Me? I just wanted my interstate to appear, rather quickly, and I finally made my way to the B&B.

Which was nice. It’s a little odd, having your bathroom down the hall, but since I was the only guest there (in the upstairs, anyway, one couple was in the basement suite), it wasn’t an issue. I went out & procured some of the Absolutely Worst Vietnamese food I’ve ever had, gahd, what a dreadful disappointment that was, and then took a jacuzzi bath, read my book & crashed like a grand piano on the sidewalk.
(Oh god. Wichita. Please. You need good Vietnamese food. I’m so sorry!) If I had more time today, I’d be eating V. food to make up for the horrid, godawful meal I had. I shudder!

The next day, I proceeded to look for Target. I wanted to get a different pair of shoes, and perhaps just wander my familiar, favorite shopping place. My map? Outdated. I found Wal-Mart, and KMart and a whole bunch of other big box stores, but no Target. I finally pulled into a QuikTrip (I love the universal experience one gets at the QT. Clean, friendly, NICE.) and was told how to find the new, moved Target. I then went to Twist, the wonderful new yarn shop, and met up with the Crew from KC – Beth, Kyra, Kristin, Ruth, Jimmi, and there were knitters from all over. We had lunch & then it was off to the Yarn Harlot book signing/speaking engagement. What fun! But oh mah god, my butt. The seats were made for 1940’s-sized arses, and they made thunking or creaking or whining noises, which makes a big gal a mite nervous when she squeezes into one, and so I am proud to say my ass muscles are practically sculpted from the hour-plus suspended clenching as I braced myself for the moment the entire seat broke apart. Fortunately, old-timey seats may not be comfortable? But they are sturdy as hell. Iron and wood. Here’s Jimmi & Kyra during the waiting period.
The Most Uncomfortable Seats In The Universe

Stephanie is truly a delight. Her talk was funny, there were so many things we knitting fanatics understood and the connectivity exists, no matter how wildly different we all are. I will say we are different. There was one woman who had a small stuffed sheep, and she made it clap at times, covered its ears at others, and sat it on her shoulder while she waited in line. I’m going to leave it at that, except I will say I’m really glad nobody in our party was doing the same thing, because I might have to say something and it could result in a knit night fricasee of beanie-baby proportions and discussion of age and what you do in the privacy of your own home versus my line of vision. Back to the Yarn Harlot, Stephanie was so kind to stay as long as people were there, waiting for books to be signed. Our tickets were numbered on the front, and we were under the impression that was the order we’d go in – and woohoo! Numbers 9-16! But no. It was the numbers they stamped on the back when you entered. Numbers 100-113! Boohoo! But actually, it sorta worked out. We hard core knittahs hung around to the bitter end, and that’s when all of us, including the Yarn Harlot, got punchy. I have pictures to prove it. And she’d heard of PlazaJen! It was like my other famous Canadian encounter, meeting Bryan Adams, without telling him I’d had a sex change operation and if he also read my blog. Only better. Loads better. Because Bryan DOESN’T KNIT.

First, my Chevron Scarf, in the hands of Canada’s most famous Knitting Humor Writer:
Yarn Harlot! With Chevron Scarf

I got to pose with Second Sock:
Me with Famous Sock

(I am wearing my Mystery Stole! Many people came up to me and showed me where they were in the knitting. It was fun, and the perfect venue to make its big debut.)

I Kinneared her feet. It seemed fitting.
Kinnearing Her Feet

Then, I started taking a bunch of pictures when Kristin was meeting her, and Stephanie might have made a comment about she sortof was feeling like she was having a stroke from all the flashbulb flashy flashing. Sorry. I didn’t stop, and then the ladies got into posing. There was even some voguing. Here, they are doing a photo shoot for a Sears catalog:
They Are In A Sears Catalog

There are more pictures over on Flickr, and I’ll leave you with this one. While she never actually said she wanted to punch me, this photo sort of implies perhaps she might, and I also think Kristin looks like she would completely back her up in a Wichita Minute. Ah, fame, how drunk you make a BFF.

On Retrospect, She May Be Threatening To Punch Me In The Face If I Don't Quit! It! Now!

See, now, there was more, because we had to drive home? And we stopped for dinner at a Village Inn in Emporia – and that had loads of hilarity, too? But I can’t type any more & I need to order a sandwich before my webinar starts. The real world has crashed back around me, but I had a super-duper weekend and I’m glad I did everything I crammed into the weekend! (Except the Vietnamese food. Gah. It’s going to take a long time for that memory to fade…..)

Charles Gibson Has A Very Firm Handshake.

Seriously, he seems like a really nice dude, one of those people who just emit a combination of charm, intellect, confidence & niceness. I was leaving the KMBC party, because even though they had fans in the ceiling of their very nice tent, it was humid and I had on a lined, long-sleeve shirt, and was rapidly in danger of melting on the spot. And it was after 7 and I was wiped out. Charlie (I call him Charlie, we’re pals now) had just arrived & I was waiting to get around the person talking to him to hit the exit, and then everything just sort of opened up/broke up, and he walked towards me & smiled, and that’s when all those great qualities just sort of blasted through, and I smiled, probably reminding him of a fat sweaty muskrat, but hopefully exuding a small bit of muskrat charm, and we shook hands (and ohmygod my ring finger screamed, he has such a firm handshake) and he said “Nice to see you” and I said, “Nice to meet you” and it was all meet-n-greet nicenicenicey and then I was out of the tent & he was on to the main throngs of people. No telling him anything crazy, just an ordinary “hi” & it wouldn’t have been appropriate to dig out my cell phone & make him wait while we did the arm-extended self-portrait.

He’s in town, broadcasting the ABC World News from Liberty Memorial, and his connections to KMBC’s general manager go way back. The new office/studios are fantastic, they’re the first in town to broadcast the news in Hi-Def. We’d had a tour earlier this summer when we’d gone there for the fall TV preview – and at that time, things were still a bit in-progress, cables everywhere & the lights had all just gone up, but even then it was quite impressive. True to most big open houses, I guess they were putting up pictures & scrambling last-minute last night to finish the place for all their fancy guests (present company excluded!) I took some camera phone pix from the balcony that overlooks the whole studio area, while the 6:00 news was on, and I’ll get those posted at some point. For “real” pictures (you know, ones with light, not take from overhead, you can see HeyCameraman’s photo stream, they look awesome & give you an actual view of the studios.

The most fun of the night was running into old friends from the old job, and catching up on what’s going on with them, etc. Despite the heat, it was a nice party (I mean, an open bar usually does the trick pretty quickly for most folks), everything was quite classy, and I was glad I went.

Then, I came home & we watched a Dirty Jobs we had on the DVR – the one where Mike Rowe goes to Mackinac Island, and then to Canada to band geese? And my dreams were crazy. I was on vacation – with hilpalny, whom I’ve never met or even emailed, really, so I’m sure that makes her feel really good, crazy muskrat lady halfway across the country is dreaming about her, and some other knitters, knitters I didn’t know, and we had been in this (unknown, unnamed) city for a week, and we’d all bought way too much yarn, and I was packing like crazy, trying to get all this yarn into boxes and suitcases and how would we get it all back on the plane, and meanwhile, Hil wanted to buy this really cool, enormous candelabra as a gift for all of our parents, and I was like, “Look, I can’t go in on that because my parents aren’t together anymore, and my dad’s dead, and so if you really want that, you’re going to have to figure out how you’re getting that on the plane.” And they didn’t have cars in this city (Mackinac Island doesn’t, everything’s horse-drawn) and so I was driving this bicycle-cart contraption back and forth trying to make sure we hadn’t left anything behind and trying to find a suitable box we could check through at the airport without having to pay more. Even in my dreams, I’m stressed.

Finished Objects!

So, the weekend started out a bit nutters, but I did get a bunch of knitting in. Even finished some things!
Most notably, the Mystery Stole 3. There were points along the way when I wondered if this really was going to be something I’d like at the end. Especially with the abruptness in the asymmetry – but I figured I’d already come so far, just go with the flow, don’t fight it, don’t rip it out, and just see what happens. I opted not to lengthen the stole, despite knowing it would probably be a wise decision for my size, however, at that point in the knitting? I couldn’t take one more minute of the cat’s paw lace. So I didn’t, and I won’t be able to wrap it around in a great flourish, but y’know what? I don’t care. I think it’s absolutely lovely. Exquisite, the wing is stunning, I think two wings would be gorgeous, and I’m obnoxiously proud of the piece.
I’ll give you the blocking pics, and at some point, I’ll get it photographed in all its blocked out glory. The problem is that my sofa is a nice dark green so it doesn’t photograph well against that!

Geometrical side, blocking:
MS3 - Blocking

Wing, blocking:
MS3 - Wing, Blocking
I had to spray-dampen the wing side, so it looks like the color’s uneven but it’s just the water absorption doing that.
MS3 - Wing

Then, I got some socks done for JWo, out of Knit Picks Memories, in the “Fly Fishing” colorway:

Waiting in the wings…. the Tulip Baby Cardigan, in a custom colorway kit from Threadbear….. soooo so sweet:
Tulip Sweater DiC Kit  from Threadbear

….and then last night, because the baby shower’s today, a decorated onesie for a co-worker, who is having a girl:



Pretty cute, if I do say so myself! I just sort of freehand-winged this with some cotton perle and a notion in my head. If she were having a boy, note to self, we could totally go with a baseball theme, since blanket stitch kinda resembles baseball stitching.

Currently on the needles: Baby Surprise Jacket, out of Artyarns Supermerino, and the Tomato, upsized for me, in a blueberry shade of Goshen. Gotta start some more socks for me, since the Yarn Harlot trip is in a couple weeks, and I need to take a sock to visit her!


I don’t know if that’s really a category in cooking? But it’s what this town is set to right now. Broast! It’s a cross between broil and roast and it ain’t good. I am completely in Mole People Mode. Retreat to cool and dark places, STAT!

It was a rough-ish weekend. To be expected. Way too much time in my head, spinning and swirling and obsessing and calculating outcomes and imagining scenarios and attempting on some level to predict the future. I watched a LOT of movies as distraction, and also did a lot of knitting. Perhaps, if it’s possible, too much. This morning, my hands felt like they were seized up into a caricature of bird claws. Ai! I claw your face off! Let’s see, I watched “The Island” because Ewan McGregor is cute, and it was escapist sci-fi action. I kept thinking how pretty Scarlett Johannson is & then I’d remember she’s trying to have a singing career and it ruined my admiration for her. Oy! Then I watched “The Black Dahlia“, because apparently I am on an Scarlett kick, and that was pretty good, if a bit slow. I kept thinking the insane mother was Molly Shannon. Lessee. Then, to stave off a panic attack, I watched Reno 911!: Miami, which was rather dreadful, but Thomas Lennon in short pants can always get a guffaw here & there out of me. The best part was that they all actually swore, which of course they don’t do on Comedy Central. The next movie was Zodiac, and that was really good. Because I :heart: true crime and Court TV and this movie took true crime and Jake Gyllenhal AND Robert Downey Jr. and stirred it all up with a whisk. Oh, and Chloe Sevigny was in it and I just can’t separate her Big Love character from her anymore. And there was a Law & Order SVU marathon yesterday, and when all else fails, Court TV. Though I :did: discover in the upper digital tier two new channels worth watching (are you listening, Kyra?) Discovery Times, and Fox Reality – all Reality, Alll the time. Ohhhh yeah, Bad Boys Bad Boys!

Sunday morning I got up pretty early & went upstairs – cranked the a/c on – and sewed up the lining to a bag I’m teaching for the Studio: The Himalaya Tote. I struggle with sewing, in part because I like to sew for speed, and my goal is to get the sewing done as quickly as possible. This means I measure very quickly, and probably explains why I had extra fabric at the top. (At least there was extra, vs. not enough!) I lined the bag with a hot pink cotton batik print I’d gotten at Sarah’s Fabrics in Lawrence, and did accent pockets with a gorgeous turquoise Dupioni silk square I’d also picked up there. I then decided I needed a tassel closure, and I made a big one, and knotted every end of the strands of yarn in the tassel. To prevent too much unraveling. Hi, OCD! I then crocheted a handy-dandy loop that the tassel tucks nicely through, and I think it makes the bag that much more zippy. I made the handles longer, and tacked the hell out of them – along with hand-sewing the entire lining in, even on the bottom, through the interfacing, so it wouldn’t move around. I’m going to get it up to the Studio so I can hopefully inspire people to make it, and take the class if they want some help.

Himalaya Tote, natural lighting

Himalaya Tote - Finished!

Himalaya Tote - interior lining

That’s it for a Monday! I’m waiting for a cold front that isn’t even predicted yet. I like to live in the future…..especially when the setting on the here and now is “broast”!

I’m Pulling This Merry-Go-Round Over, RIGHT NOW.

I’m hearing the sharp, tinny sounds of a carnival in the background as I write this.
(Not really. Let’s not cart me off for hallucinations. Yet.)

However, I am about out of rope this week, and as I ponder the length I have left, I start to think about using it to its maximum potential, which usually has the goal of bringing the madness to a screeching halt.

Man, the madness has just flown in from multiple directions – work, life, my head – and I actually had someone declare something my friend & I did (To my face!) “Stupid”. Wow. I felt a few feet of rope slip right through my hands, but then I pulled it back. And when I say “pulled it back”, I mean, I wasn’t going to let it go. Use up more rope. I responded. Not swinging, but firmly, and I don’t think this person EVER has other people do that to her. Wow. It was not comfortable. For me, or my friends, and I don’t think for her, either. But I’m learning this week that there are people who don’t even come close to responding the way most of us do in similar situations. BECAUSE THEY’RE BATSHIT CRAZY. Or just different, whatever.

ANYhoo, we’re having our annual fish fry tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to the weekend. We’ve got a lot of cleaning to do between now and tomorrow, but it’ll be fine, and we’ll have a lovely time with friends and family, we’ll confront :another: table full of tomatoes at some point, and the merry-go-round music will take on a fuller, robust sound, with less flats and sharps and grating. Even though I get riled up, more and more I see the longer view, which is that the road you are on is still your road. You walk it today, tomorrow, you walk it next week – deity willing –
and things move on. Staying stuck and putting in land mines or digging holes isn’t progress, it’s distraction.

So, let’s see. Now I have how many metaphors going on? Yes, 1) Merry-Go-Round (Insanity of Life), 2) Rope (Patience, Wisdom), 3)The Road (Life’s Journey and 4) Theme Music (the Soundtrack of Your Life). I think that’s enough of a mix for today. I’m excited to do some knitting this weekend, make some progress on MS3, and begin something new and exciting. And in the next couple of weeks, I’m also going to start designing a sweater for JWo, to wear when he goes hunting. I’ve gotten some awesome advice from Ravelry, and given the old-timey Fisherman sweaters’ ability to stand up to fierce conditions, I’m waiting for a book I ordered to arrive and help me make the sturdiest sweater I can so he’ll have many happy hunting seasons in it. (His won’t be cabled and such like the Aran sweaters, but the construction is what I want to see.) It’s new! It’s a challenge, and I’m excited to try out my puzzling mind on something different. Same old round-n-round can drive a gal wonkers, eh?
Happy weekend, peeps.


It’s been hot. Two days ago, when I left work, the all-knowing screen in Mimi Murano informed me it was 100′ outside. In my scramble for the camera feature on my cell, and of course, trying to wait to safely take the picture, the number dropped by one, but still. Even if Mimi miiiiight be overstating things a little (I have no idea where she gets her flair for the dramatic), it’s fuckin’ nuts. Hot, hot, hot.
At 5:04 it said 100!!!!
(Uh, note the internal temp? And the fan on high?)

I was dangerously close to running out of Diet Coke at work, so before I picked up lunch, I ran into the CVS near work. I seriously had to maneuver around this woman three different times, because she was buying out all the clearanced perfume and makeup sets. I would have been a little more scathing in my irritation, but she looked so lonely, and seemed so timid, that I just imagined her in her studio apartment at night, trying out different looks & smells, waiting for someone to find her beautiful. Gah. Anyway, because I am NOT going to pay $4 for a 12-pack of Diet Coke, because I know someone, somewhere, will sell it to me for $2.50, or $3, I ended up with the last box of Diet Mountain Dew, which is my old trusty friend from back in the day, getting through finals week. And then? I sailed down an aisle that was lined with summer-themed items and things you normally can only buy on TV, and I did a double-take:
What. The. Hell.
You know, when I first started working after college, I remember having some ginormous earrings. They were crazy and fun. And yeah, they pulled on my ears. So? I stopped wearing them eventually. Or only wore them when we went out, versus all day. Apparently I hadn’t discovered the Ear Lobe Support Tape System, which would have allowed me to never take them out. (I like the graphic treatment that shows the unhappy ear as red, possibly infected.) The icing on the cake is that this? THIS? This stuff’s medical grade.

And my last dose of insanity for the day is my continued progression on the Mystery Stole…. I love Ravelry, and the huge community it is bringing together, and the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, learn about new things – and then there’s all the pictures of everyone ELSE’s MS3, and I am just telling myself this is a good opportunity for me to NOT be comparative, and not be competitive (I’m really not, given how far behind I am). The comparative part is what’s kicking my butt, because everyone else’s photos look soooooo nice and sturdy and dense and you see the pattern definition – and mine looks like, durrrrr, there’s probably a mistake ten rows back, there’s NONE of this curling line stuffs – and as I kept examining it last night and hearing the stern perfectionist voices in my head (so strange, they sound JUST like my mom and dad, hm, think that’s significant?) I kept arguing back that it just didn’t matter. I’m not going to rip it back. I’m actually going to keep knitting it. I’m not abandoning it. I really like the process. This is a project I would normally NEVER ever do. It’s way outside my comfort zone, my experience zone, and if I wanted to, I could look at it all as failure, failure, failure. Which is kind of what I’ve been telling myself about ME in general the past week, horrible ugly unkind words as I try to go to sleep, to the point of tears and desperately wanting sleep to end the hammering. Brains are funny, insane things, and sometimes they’re hard to control. Last night as I looked at my knitting and looked at other people’s knitting, I didn’t drown out the littlest voice that said to just keep knitting mine as-is. And while I came close, and a few tears fell, I managed to stop the louder, meaner voices when I went to sleep, too. While the situation with my MS3 is minor, it’s very real, and it somehow clicked through as a metaphor for bigger things. There’s a theme to the design, and it will tell a story. I sort of like the notion that mine may be missing a few sentences? But it will also tell a story of its own.

Mystery Stole #3 - Restarted

Time Shifting

I’ve noticed that I’ve had absolutely no time for my usual mid-morning/noon blogging. Damn work! Gettin’ in the way and all! My pre-work mornings have been spent plodding on the treadmill, watching the back episodes of The Office. It’s the perfect 20-minute walk, and I usually bark-laugh at least twice per episode. I think the big reason I couldn’t find it funny when it started was because I was still so uber-bitter about the Previous Employer, and nothing related to Previous Employer was entertaining, it only served to give me something to sharpen my teeth & claws on. Like little shots of vitriol, or um, bamboo shoots under the fingernails. Plus, the Wo doesn’t find it very funny – probably because he doesn’t work in an office? Or it’s just that one little pie-shaped area where our humors don’t mesh. I Can Has Cheezburger is a perfect example of another resident on that pie slice. Not all of those posts make me laugh, but some? Crack my shiznit UP, and he just throws his hands up in the air at me, befuddled. Or else he tries to imitate it, hoping for a laugh, and he only succeeds in sounding like Jar-Jar Binks. We-sa no-sa needs-a thatsa! (Which also sounds like something Michael from the Office might try to say, in an attempt at humorous leadership!)

So the knitting: A finished Bathtime Blossom washcloth!
Bathtime Blossoms

The start of the Monkey Socks!
Monkey Socks!!!

Monkey Pants?
Gnome Thinks They're Groovy Pantaloons.
Edward thinks they’d be groovy.

And a shot of the Sea Silk – oooooooh, droolness. I had to rip it out b/c I goofed on the pattern, and I also had to switch needles. The first set of needles were way too blunt.
Sea Silk - sooooooo soft & gorgeous.

Lest you think the garden somehow went on hold – oh no! We have tomatoes! First ones of the season. I expect these represent the tip of the iceberg….
First Tomatoes of the Season

That’s it! I gotta go make up for frogged knitting now. And finish cleaning up the guest bedroom! Aunt Karen arrives tomorrow!

Hi! With Gusto!

Well. Today was a big ol’ day! Super Duper Busy with work, and then a quick lunch trip to the Studio to drop off my Emperor’s New Scarf for the class I’m teaching, to discover that the Handmaiden shipment had come in!

Kyra & I were like kids in the candy shop, at Christmas, with no glucose issues. It was lovely. Thirty skeins of Sea Silk, and eleven skeins of Lace Silk, all in a variety of colors. The only thing that allowed us to maintain an ounce of restraint was the fact that there’s another shipment coming in, from Fleece Artist. Bless Cindy for listening to Kristin & me, and ordering the yarn. We promised her she’d sell it, because the stuff is so fab. (My fingers are crossed that our prediction will come true, but I think all anyone has to do is take one look at the stuff, followed by a squeeze, and SWOON! BaM! You’re on the floor with three skeins in your hands, never letting go.) If I could have justified a skein of the lace, it would have followed me home as well. So, so pretty. Silk is just so stunning, the colors are so rich. I’m honestly a little afraid that nobody will bother taking my Montego Bay Scarf class (Scroll about halfway down the page to see the pattern. Do sign up, it’s in July!), they’ll just snatch up all the Sea Silk they can carry and scurry off to a screened-in porch with a pitcher of lemonade and some shortbread and we’ll never hear from them again. (Yes, my paranoia combines with an extremely active, vivid imagination.)

I’m just excited to get the scarf sample knit as fast as my chubby little hands will let me. Then I’ll be back to my Monkey Socks, which are the equivalent of crack to the sock knitting community. I’m totally behind on this trend, but then, when aren’t I these days? I’m always off in a ditch somewhere, distracted, and then I clue back in and shuffle a little further on down the road. I was stoked about doing a picot-edge, and marveled at the simplicity and beauty of it all, but was still hesitant about the pattern – peeps, I started these on Saturday, and I’m on the 5th repeat of the lace pattern. CRACK. Set these next to a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby and you have two powerful forces in the universe, singing a siren seduction song in two-part harmony.

Forgive the manic-level of this post. I announced to anyone who would listen this afternoon that I was as fried as a mushroom at Jess & Jim’s. (They’re really good there. So’s the baked potato.) I didn’t really have lunch, and I think that’s why all these food references are horning in on the knitting action. I must go home. To get the house ready for company, to have dinner, and to uh, what’s that? KNIT! (Well, wind yarn first.) Then? KNIT! With gusto!

Knits! Life! Thanks!

I have a couple finished objects…..

The Emperor’s New Scarf (pattern by Lucy Neatby) is done! My gnome approves.

Cozy Gnome

I’m teaching this as a class at The Studio in August! I’m also teaching a class uh, next week, so I have to get that store sample done, pronto! (It’s a bath cloth, short rows, and it’s half done – in linen, one size zeros…)

I also finished my Opal Flamingo socks, and my gnome REALLY liked these:

Gnome in Disguise

We went out to the Stitch-N-Pitch on Sunday and had a great time. Sunburns for everyone, a big win for the team, and I’m actually going back out to the stadium tonight! I’ll probably be even sweatier. Yay!
Me taking a self-portrait/inclusive pic:
Kansas City Stitch-N-Pitch

Kyra, Beth, Jimmi, Lissa (in the row behind leaning forward):

Kansas City Stitch-N-Pitch

Kristin & Justin:

Kansas City Stitch-N-Pitch

We all had names on our sleeves, and numbers on our backs (I was “11”, because THIS knitter goes to ELEVEN! – just like my old blog tagline, all of which was, of course, in homage to Spinal Tap.) You will not be surprised to see my knitname:

Kansas City Stitch-N-Pitch

I figure after some of the stupid drama in our knitting group, it was perfect.

Thanks to everyone for the comments, well-wishes & thoughts sent my way, especially this week. My dad would be amazed at the number of great, caring people I have in my life. And a little thankful, I think, that his only child didn’t end up all alone in the big world. The day before he died, just hours before I got the phone call, telling me to come home, hearing the last words he truly spoke to me, I wrote this post. I still remember the feeling inside, of crumpling, falling finally underneath it all – even before the phone rang. And you? You were there. You came through. You helped. And you haven’t left me. Thank you again. I found this post because I wanted to find the words I couldn’t remember, the poem about hope. If you don’t click through, here are those beautiful words, one more time.

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.
— Emily Dickinson

Knitting for Greensburg

There’s a great charity project underway, called “Rebuilding Greensburg, Block By Block” – and I finished my eighth square last night & will get them sent off tomorrow. For now, here are the pictures of the seven squares (with my gnome, who likes to be a photo element in many of my pictures now…)

Squares for Greensburg

Squares for Greensburg

Basically, the simplest project ever, and it was nice to use up some leftover wool & sock yarns. If you have any lolling about & want a nice mindless project, you should join in the fun! I owe my buddy Kyra for cluing me in to the project……

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