Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Category: dreams

A New Year’s Wish

As this year creeps towards its end, I am ready to face the new year with renewed faith and hope.

For the people who have fallen by the wayside, I say goodbye, and wish you well, along with the random pebble in your shoe to remind you of me.

For those joining me as we march into 2013? Let us raise a glass and toast a year filled with more laughter than tears, more money than expenses, and more joy than sorrow.

To only wish for good things is foolish; the challenges are where we learn and grow, and our character is built in how we face them.

Peace and Love,

Good Times

Last night, in my dreams, I was teaching a knitting class. In a different city, in a huge -crazy huge- auditorium. And famous knitters were there, and it was all rather chaotic. I was feeling stressed, worrying about everyone keeping up, trying to keep the room in control.

But I didn’t need to worry. Because then a stream of colored water came rushing in behind me, eddying and flowing towards the drop off beyond the podium, and as I looked at it more closely, I saw that it was actually blood. And I ran towards the back of the building, to discover it was raining blood. Torrential downpour. A veritable Stephen King Epic World Awash In Blood.

Get to! Analyze THAT. I’m sure it’s just that Christmas spirit, misdirected!


Today, my dad would have been 66 years old. By some measures, still young. I’ve dreamed of him a lot lately, but then last night’s dream also included my mother and Katie Horner, so I’m not spending a lot of time interpreting things…

I miss him. I think of him every day, and now, with this gift of time, I have more perspective, a better understanding of how you do continue to live when you lose someone you love. The first months, I was convinced that without grief, he would be gone. Somehow,  losing the daily sobbing would make him fade, disappear. Then in the next wave of months, it felt like I’d been sentenced to a lifetime of wearing fractured glasses. Impossible to see anything the way it used to be, frustrated that others were blithely continuing their own existences, angry that nobody understood and everyone wanted me to be Over It. Guess what? You don’t ever get Over It. You get Through It. And it ain’t easy.

Last night, as I waited for sleep to come (and bring me both my parents plus a local meteorologist), I thought of how the gaping chasm of grief has become a fissure of melancholy. Bittersweet and deep, but it is something to be acknowledged, even appreciated, not fallen into. Today, even now, as I give voice to these things, I will weep, because the sorrow never goes. But those days are not everyday anymore.  Instead, on the ‘regular’ days, I’ll smile, a melancholy or secret smile to myself, when I say something he would have said, or laughed at, or been angry about, or railed at the idiocy of, and we share this. Inside me. When he was alive, he was outside of me, and now in death, he is in my head and my heart. Instead of always mourning, I get to celebrate what we shared, what he taught me, the gifts he gave me.  I’m grateful for those who’ve walked this path before me, who shared their perspective and wisdom, because even though I didn’t necessarily absorb it at the time, I put it in my pockets, tucked it away, because I’m a gatherer and a collector, and I knew it would be good to have down the road. Time. How greatly we want it to stand still, to not have anything change, to stave off death, loss, sadness. Yet time is what gives us relief, peace, perspective and appreciation.

Instead of just mourning his memory today, I celebrate the man who gave me so much, and even in death, still laughs when I do.

Drug Cartels, Dragon Breath, it’s just another Monday….

It’s very, very disturbing to wake up and try to sort through the vestiges of your dreams, sorting out what is real from what your brain conjured up in the wee hours of the night.

For instance, no, I am not on the run from a very evil drug cartel. Nor did I go scuba diving with my husband and mother-in-law to cleverly hide from the aforementioned drug cartel. A plan that was perfect until someone figured out we were in the water & started shooting at us. Fortunately, we were all quite good at the scuba diving (again, not so in the light of day), but I still woke up very shaky and confused. Might have been because it was a bit of a rough night – after all the overcast weather we’ve had, the moon finally surfaced and in it’s full splendor, illuminated our chunk of earth with an extremely blindingly bright light. I recall waking up thinking a spotlight was being shone on my face. Lots of confusion.

Moving on with the day.  Pizza 51 makes some good food. Since we’d had homemade pizza the night before, I opted for breadsticks & a salad, and got the breadsticks with cheese & roasted garlic. Thinking they would probably take the approach to the garlic with a minimal hand. Whoa, Nelly, let me tell you what, I am now good for vampire season. (Full moon and all, I guess this is a good thing.) They liberally coat the bread with roasted garlic, and no amount of Trident Splash seems to be cutting the side effects.   Also, our waitress was royally torqued, possibly because the girl who took our orders was hard of hearing, and made some adjustments to all the things we bought, thus rendering us with blank stares when the waitperson announced what she was delivering. No black olives turned into “No broccoli”; “with cheese” became “without cheese”, and a couple of things had to return to the restaurant to get fixed. Our party was a big group, so I started cringing every time she approached our table, waiting for the moment when she absolutely lost her temper and threw the plate of food at us. It didn’t quite come to that, but boy howdy, next time, I’ll make sure my order was taken correctly.

Despite some of the craziness that always seems to accompany a Monday, I have to say this week is already off to a better start when compared to last week. And since this week includes being chased by Pablo Escabar and Co, I think that’s saying quite a bit!

I’ll see my knitty pals tonight at the Guild meeting, and then I’m headed home for the Weeds finale… I also started the Mystery Stole 4 over the weekend, and already love the color combo I chose for my yarn/beads. Knitting on zero Addis though, not my joy, but I am knitting both panels as I go, so when all the clues have been issued, I have matching, symmetrical pieces to graft & be done!


…I really hope I don’t end up following a vehicle today that’s hauling an enormous round bale of hay. Because in my dreams last night, I came up over a hill, and there was the hay bale, and the driver was going 25 mph. I was not. I did everything in my power, but I still ended up hitting her trailer corner (the bar holding up the brake light) and the woman driving the truck turned out to be this beatific, sweet 60-year old lady – who morphed into a gigantic bitch in front of my eyes. And she tried to come back and tell me it was $6,000 worth of damage. For a scratch on a post.

I threatened to set her hay bale on fire. James was horrified through ALL of this, as he would be if it happened in real life.

Good to know I don’t lie down and take it, though – even when I’m lying down.

Just Another Day At The Salt Mines…

…well, except Warren Buffet was there.

Not really. But in my dream, he was! Warren & I were in adjoining cubes, and he was having a devil of a time with his computer. I was wildly swinging between cool as a cucumber & frazzled, that I had THE Warren Buffet, at work, sitting next to me! I was trying to switch between work, and writing a blog post about him being there (yes, I even blog in my dreams, it would seem!) My old boss from St. Louis came over & I had to stop blogging, but he was more concerned with Warren’s increased frustration with his computer and why things weren’t loading.

I leaned back & saw he was trying to do something on the internet. I said, “Warren? Are you using Firefox?” and he impatiently said, “Of course I am!” and I then suggested he re-boot his computer, that usually works for me.

Now, my geek friends, surely you are laughing at this point. I remember having a “Oh-no-he-di-n’t” face when he said he used Firefox.

I’m guessing Warren’s good friend Bill is going to get some retribution in my next dream.

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