We did a whirlwind trip to the Lake of the Ozarks yesterday, leaving the house shortly after 7 a.m. and returning just after 9 p.m. It would have just been a regular-sort-of Long Day, except for the insane winter storm we drove through on the way home. It could have been much worse, but it was stressful nonetheless, and James had to do all the driving, because I’m sick & he would have been freaked out every time I had a coughing fit, had I been behind the wheel. (and rightfully so – this cough is a doozy!) But we had a fun day with family, and he scored some awesome ties, and I got some cold hard cash, plus the funniest Xmas decoration-soft-sculpture-thingy, ever. I just found a picture online, it’s Hallmark’s “Snow What Fun”, and you press the snowman’s hand and the music plays – the snowman jiggles, the dog kind of moves, and the penguin FREAKS OUT.

One of the other big hits was the enormous, “Jumbo Remote” I scored at the company white elephant on Friday;

James had drawn his grandfather’s name in the gift exchange, and we added it to his presents, knowing it would be pretty damn funny. It was even funnier watching the kids use it. (So, if you’re looking for a last-minute, amusing gift, this might fit the bill!) And, we know it’s being used!

We had awesome food, some great laughs, and now I’m ready to self-medicate with all the OTC cold and cough drugs available to me. With knitting, movies and naps. Sounds like a great day to me!