There’s no way I can recap everything that’s been going on. Suffice it to say that the highlight of my week has been hearing the story of a guy who left his personal copy of “Balls Deep” in his work laptop, unaware his computer was being taken by IT while he was being laid-off. (Said movie is not about soccer. Or volleyball.) That and the story of another person who was in a freak yachting accident in Venezuela that left her unable to walk, and they had to use a scissors-lift to help her board the plane & it got stuck. I haven’t laughed so hard since I-don’t-know-when.

We did discover that Tripper also is not a fan of Jane’s Addiction. Specifically “Been Caught Stealin'” – the song starts with dogs barking, and he went all over the yard barking and looking for the interlopers. I missed it, because I was out drinking with a veritable gaggle of former co-workers, swapping war stories and laughing at other people’s expense. (Isn’t that the best currency?)

Oh – and file this under “Like I Needed More Stuff To Do” – I started making double-pointed needle holders. Mostly because I was going nuts with this tie I was knitting for James, and the stitches kept slipping off while I was toting the project around in my bag. Because things with me tend to take on levels of grand proportions, I suddenly found myself, mid-week, in the throes of mass-production. (They are simple to make? But they take time. And drilling. And patience!) Turns out, I’m on to something here, and I sold my first batch to The Studio. I’m going to make more, and depending on interest, put them on Etsy as well. I’ll yammer about it more when the time comes! But they’re super cute, and I’m calling my little bidness “Wants & Kneeds” (so don’t steal the name, it’s now under creative licensing copywrite, m0fos) They are “Quirky Panaceas for the Avid Knitter” and I have the line from my dad on the back: “It’s better to have, than to want.” It feels nice including him on it, in a funny way. And now we have two cottage industries running amok at our house – knitting stuffs and tomato and pepper plants!
DPN Holders

TGIF! The weekend’s always short, so have fun!!!