Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Absolutely, Without a Doubt, the Funniest Visual of the Day.

Driving up I-29, in this horrid rain that won’t leave us, we pass a low-riding, beat-up-ass Caddy. First thing I notice? Windows are down.
Then I see the enormous crack across the windshield.
None of this is extraordinary.
The driver?
Cigarette dangling from his lip, right hand on the wheel. Torso in awkward position. You’ll see why in a moment.

Left hand? Out the window, wrapped around, holding A SQUEEGEE as he frantically cleared the window.

Oh if only I’d had a camera.

Wiper: FAIL.


  1. Laura

    OOOOO I wish I were there.

  2. mosker

    You have got to be making that up!

    I mean, I know you’re not, but geeeez.

  3. turtlegirl76

    Hee! My sister used to have a Beetle that the wipers didn’t work on either and she had to do the same thing. Only with windex and paper towels.

    She had long arms.

  4. shannon in oregon


  5. J-Wo

    Was he keeping cool like this?


  6. lauragayle

    oh, those KC drivers. and how many of them did NOT have headlights on in the driving rain yesterday and today????!???!?

  7. Emma Dog

    Wow. I mean, just… wow.

    I bet he was from St. Joe. ;)

  8. bekah

    That’s awesome.

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