Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Did you know you can’t buy the green sauce in a 12 oz bottle, like the one  you might use at Chipotle? This made me irritated. I do not like things that I love available only to the food service industry.  So, like much of my life, I found what we call a “work-around”:

Say hello to my not-so-little friend!

Mmmm. That’s a whole gallon of green Tabasco.  Screw you, tiny-5-ounce-bottle-available-at-Price-Chopper.

Also, for those who like to do cost analysis? It would require purchasing 25 5-oz bottles to come close in volume…. let me illustrate, starting with a gallon=128 ozs,  god why do we not use the metric system?

$3.99 (small bottle cost on website) divided by 5 = Cost per ounce = $0.798

128 times $0.798 = $102.14

My cost to ship a gallon was just under $50.

You can get yours straight from the source, too.  It’s all I can do not to drink it by the shot.


  1. mosker

    That is awesome!

  2. shannon in oregon

    verde is the best!!!

  3. meesha.v

    is it vinegary like the red one? then I am not a fan. I like some red hot pepper sauce I get at city market middle eastern place, I am pretty sure it’s sriracha

  4. sue

    Aren’t you a smart one?

  5. PlazaJen

    meesha – yes, it’s got vinegar in it. I use it differently than the red, though – it’s almost like ketchup, but with more tang & zippiness. It’s awesome on rice.
    I love sriracha sauce, too – green top, rooster on the bottle?

  6. lauragayle

    what? no pump on it??

  7. lauragayle

    dang, now that I’ve looked at their website, I’m thinking we need to do a road trip!

  8. bekah

    That math made my head hurt. No lie.

  9. Elizabeth

    well look who just cheated the system!! congratulations, Nug!

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