Did you know you can’t buy the green sauce in a 12 oz bottle, like the one you might use at Chipotle? This made me irritated. I do not like things that I love available only to the food service industry. So, like much of my life, I found what we call a “work-around”:
Mmmm. That’s a whole gallon of green Tabasco. Screw you, tiny-5-ounce-bottle-available-at-Price-Chopper.
Also, for those who like to do cost analysis? It would require purchasing 25 5-oz bottles to come close in volume…. let me illustrate, starting with a gallon=128 ozs, god why do we not use the metric system?
$3.99 (small bottle cost on website) divided by 5 = Cost per ounce = $0.798
128 times $0.798 = $102.14
My cost to ship a gallon was just under $50.
You can get yours straight from the source, too. It’s all I can do not to drink it by the shot.
That is awesome!
verde is the best!!!
is it vinegary like the red one? then I am not a fan. I like some red hot pepper sauce I get at city market middle eastern place, I am pretty sure it’s sriracha
Aren’t you a smart one?
meesha – yes, it’s got vinegar in it. I use it differently than the red, though – it’s almost like ketchup, but with more tang & zippiness. It’s awesome on rice.
I love sriracha sauce, too – green top, rooster on the bottle?
what? no pump on it??
dang, now that I’ve looked at their website, I’m thinking we need to do a road trip!
That math made my head hurt. No lie.
well look who just cheated the system!! congratulations, Nug!