Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Where Do I Begin?

I’ve got some blog posts written in my head – one will make you laugh – and yet I just have to wait and focus on what’s lived inside my head since Sunday.

I’m absolutely heart-wrenched by the murder of Dr. Tiller. I was sitting at my computer upstairs, waiting for the a/c to cool things down, and up popped a news alert. What hit me in the next moment was shock, anger, tears, grief – all of it.  Anyone who’s been around this blog for a while knows my beliefs and my politics. Everywhere I’ve turned this week has reiterated the same things over and over, and I’m tired of reading the bombastic hate speech of those who can barely denounce Tiller’s murder. What Tiller did was – IS – legal.  Wrap yourself up in your religion all you like; keep your morality, judgment and legal efforts off of my body. Oh, and isn’t it criminal that I have to even say it? Your bullets.

If you want to make a difference, here are two organizations I actively support:


Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri

If you are a recent reader and want to understand more about where I’m coming from, read this blog post.

Want some perspective on how vital these services are? Go to Here and Now, and scroll down to listen to ‘Late Term Abortions’. A woman who was a patient of Dr. Tiller’s has broken her silence; her story is heart-wrenching.

If you want to think about the context and label I have for what happened? I leave you with this :

‘In November 2004, a United Nations Security Council report described terrorism as any act “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act”.’


  1. bekah

    I’ve always wanted to know about these people… why is it “murder” when a woman is killing her unborn child, but a “victory” when another living human being is killed?

    That’s the problem I have with pro-lifers. And I’m not even pro-choice, really. I could tell you my stance on everything but it doesn’t matter. A life is a life, no matter how it’s taken… why should this be justifiable in pro-lifers points of view but not abortion? For people who claim to be so black and white, they do provide themselves with a lot of grey area…

  2. Carolyn J.

    I was pretty disgusted too. Somewhere someone is celebrating his murder, which is worse.

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