Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

A Very Good Day, Indeed.

Yesterday was one of those blue-ribbon, splendiferous days that you thought may have faded into the naivete of youth, when birthdays brought a new bicycle and summers were long unending days of sunshine and grass, an enormous hiatus from school and responsibility. Yesterday was absolutely fantastic. Yesterday, I accepted a job. A job I want, a job I’m looking forward to going to, and I’ll start out part-time in a couple of weeks. A couple months after that, I’ll be full-time. But it wasn’t just the job. It was so many things. Lunch with two dear friends. Then I went to the grocery store, where one woman stopped to compliment me on my wrap (the background image on this blog, in fact), and another woman came over and we had a nice chat about yarn, knitting, local yarn stores, and Ravelry. She wasn’t familiar with a lot of the things I was talking about and scribbled notes on the back of her shopping list. My husband coming home and telling me he’s proud of me, reflecting on the life we’ve built together, and how we navigate the waters well together, because there have been dark, bad seas for both of us in our years together, and even in the bleakest hour, there is comfort in knowing you are not there alone. Later that night, we went out to dinner for crab legs, and while James was up getting dessert, the woman seated behind me started complimenting me on my shoes. (Dansko clogs, patent black leather) Random kind friendliness, piling onto the day. We decided to give the slots a shot, and the wheels spun and the bells rang and then my $20 became $40 (being the nervous nelly gambler, I immediately cashed out). It was a day that felt like it glowed, with no nicks or dings or scratches, one that had only improved each hour it was here, and it was so very good.

Many blessings to count. Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. meesha.v

    happy Thanksgiving and congrats!

  2. Jessica Kerrigan

    Congratulations, Jen!

  3. Beth

    Mwah! Glad I could share in a small bit of it. You deserve all of your good blessings and I’m happy you’re getting them!

  4. Carolyn J.


  5. turtlegirl76

    YAY! Congratulations! That’s excellent news on the job! I’m so thrilled for you. =)

  6. mosker

    Oh, congratulations! That is great news.

  7. korin

    This, my friend is some good shit. the kind of good shit that sends me to bed with a smile on my face. xo xo Congrats!

  8. Chelle

    Oh my goodness, I am just so happy for you. Wonderful news about the job. And you know, going from part to full time will be a wonderful chance to step into the job and fully grow into it. This is a truly grateful time of year. I’m doing the same kind of gratitude and self-reflection thing. My husband is still laid off, but like you and James, we weather life’s storms and triumphs together.

  9. joyce

    So happy for you and your job. It’s nice to know that every day doesn’t suck.

  10. shannon in oregon

    i can’t think of a more deserving person than you, jen. much love friend.

  11. Leslie

    Sounds like an incredible, awesome day! I love those random encounters of kindness. Where will you be working?

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