Riding the Bike with One Pedal.


The poll from yesterday, as of 4:00 pm CST, had 26 votes cast – 15 (57.7%) picked a man as the driver; 11 (42.3%) of you said the driver was a woman.

I must say, the majority here is correct: the driver was a man! I had thought woman until I really, really, REALLY considered the giant Star Wars decal. Like I said, it was a real toss up!
Thanks for playing, polls are kinda fun. :)

1 Comment

  1. gak

    DAMN! I struggled with the decision to cast my vote for WOMAN but was finally pushed to go with it because it was a JEEP. Of course hind sight is 20/20… i now realize that the Jeep factor would only have been the golden spike if it were a Jeep Liberty.

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