Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Best Part of the Movie

We decided to go see a movie tonight, and since our free passes wouldn’t let us see a new release, we ended up seeing The Other Guys. (The Will Ferrell-Mark Wahlberg buddy copy movie.) Rotten Tomatoes had a positive rating of 76%, and hey, Will Ferrell.

Egads. It sucked. Great concept. But it started to drag and it never recovered. Yawn! So imagine my surprise, when, the credits began to roll and feeling the relief of the movie being over, only to discover the credits were the best part. And, by the power of the interwebs, you can see them, too, without having to see the movie! But, fair warning, it might make you feel a little sick to your stomach – and you can’t blame the popcorn.


  1. Mo Rage

    For a movie recommendation, then, of a good one, go see “Get Low” by Robert Duvall, among others. Fantastic, old-fashioned, funny, touching, clever, original, intelligent film, beautifully and wonderfully told. Also has Bill Murray in another quirky, fun role for him and Sissy Spacek as a terrific “ex”.

    Mo Rage
    the blog

  2. Mo Rage

    oh, and if you go to the Cinemark’s matinee’, you’ll only pay $4. too.

    Quite the bargain.

    Mo Rage

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