Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Ok, now we’re cookin’ with gas…

Three is my tipping point. My husband, a former colleague, and yesterday, my aunt – all asked if I was going to get my blog back up & running. OKEY DOKEY. Guess it takes a few prods to get the lazy cow jumping in and doing some blasted coding.
Whatever, templates, DirectNIC. The templates they offered were so bogus. I saw several I liked, but I couldn’t switch out pictures. I almost did some super-cheeseball one, but then I realized, fer chrissakes, I’m spending this time, let’s at least not have to do it all again in a week!

Of course, now I want my blog layout to have the same crazy header banner thingy on it, so that will be another day. For now, let’s roll.

And by roll, I guess that meant, “Update Word Press and umpteen plug-ins.” SHEESH> The network administrator needs a martini.

1 Comment

  1. Aunt Karen

    YIPPEE! You are back! Thank you very much.
    I am looking forward to following your adventures. – K

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