Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

OK, It’s Official. The Big New Business Pitch Results Are In!

I knew last week, but couldn’t say anything.  My ad agency is the official agency of record for…..

wait for it….

drum roll…..

cue fireworks…..

Consumer Reports magazine.

We will get the full scope of our assignment next week (I anticipate more harried Plurking via mobile phone as we travel!).

I’ve worked on some fabulous accounts in my life, and I’ve worked on gigantic chemical companies that made my father cringe. (I’ve never forgotten a conversation on the phone – “I’ve spent my life as an environmentalist and my daughter works for XX?!” Another city, another job, but still. I hated his disapproval.)

Dad would approve. Highly. My Auntie Karen approves and agreed, Rick would have been proud. I talked about him in the new business pitch, and credited him for my own fervid love of the magazine. It makes me sad he didn’t live to see it, but my joy is still unchecked.  Oh, and I got to tour a chunk of the building when we were there – I was almost shaking with excitement.  To see where they test cameras, and televisions, and scooters, and laundry detergent. Maybe to some folks this seems mundane and geeky, but to me? Nir-frickin-vana.

Yeah. If I had a 40, I’d pour a little on the curb for ya, Dad.


  1. Kat with a k

    Let me be the first to congratulate you!! You are the woman! Your dad would have been so amazingly proud of you…

    Hugs for you in this big achievement!!

  2. Kris

    Congrats Jen! That is H-U-G-E! Should you need any help on the experiential end of things, feel free to shout…

  3. a beer sort of girl


  4. Dani

    This is what I classify as BEYOND cool news!! Congrats!! I know your dad woudl have been proud, I only “know” you peripherally and *I* am proud of you – this is a HUGE accomplishment!

  5. Beth

    W00t! This is so awesome. And I want pictures of you on the test-track.

    And your dad knows…

  6. Teri

    Well, that’s pretty frickin cool. Congrats!

  7. Renee Simmons

    Congrats hun! How exciting!

  8. meesha.v

    I was a long-time subscriber,still have online account. congrats, it’s a big deal!

  9. lauragayle


  10. bekah


  11. Becky

    Wow, that’s a huge account to be working on — how fun and congratulations!

  12. Jo


  13. Laura

    Oh Jen that’s FABULOUS! I owe you a celebratory drink!

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