Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

I Think I Would Make An Excellent Senior Advisor.

With all the election hubbub raining down around us, there’s lots of talk about various people close to the candidates and their influence, roles, position, history, and at times, they speak for or about the candidate (or their wife).  I always wonder who this “Senior Advisor” is. A college chum? A former co-worker?  Certainly it isn’t something the average bear can just walk in and apply for, but I have to say, I’d do it.  This sounds like a cakewalk! You don’t actually have to be the bagman, you don’t have to even sew the bag – you just sit back, point, and say, “hmmmm, I think….. that fabric. With that pattern.” I’m sure it’s all much more complicated than I imagine, but I enjoy dreaming about a cabinet position.  Because that’s what Senior Advisors get, ya know, they get to be in charge of small armies of people to carry out The Policies, and at first I thought the ATF might be fun, lots of excitement, you know, and I would be more qualified for that than FBI/CIA. (I have, in fact, consumed alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and fired a gun. I have not spied on another country, and the only covert operation I’ve been guilty of is yarn smuggling. Into the house.)  Really, there are any number of cabinet positions that would be a great fit for me, as long as I can delegate, and isn’t that what the Senior Advisor does? I do have control issues, but I’d work through them if the price was right.

Unfortunately, I think I’m best suited for Senior Advisor on Knitting and Tomato Usage. Not having much luck finding either website with “.gov” paired with the skillset.  Ah well. I am enjoying the day job anyway.

Speaking of…. Did I mention Consumer Reports? I want to scream it sometimes. At strangers. I love them. (CR, not strangers.) I have to be careful I don’t love them too hard, you know, like a toddler with a baby chick on Easter. All I can say is, it’s gonna be fun to work on an account that can capitalize on the built-in passion I already have for them.


  1. Leslie

    Hey, congrats on the new biz! I know what it’s like to pitch a big account, and winning is the best.

  2. Emma Dog

    That is just SO. AWESOME, about the CR. And I don’t blame you for wanting to scream it at strangers. (Remember my potential vanity plate? Same concept.)

    As for the Senior Advisor thing, well, I can see you being fabulous at a role like that. And the country would undoubtedly be a happier place. Or at least a more color-coordinated one. ;)

  3. Teri

    I could use some tomato usage ideas. I love love love the yellow pears that have been popping out of our garden in the last week. But I’m not much of a cook so don’t really know what to do with them other than just eat them right after washing them.

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