Riding the Bike with One Pedal.


I won a gift certificate from The Pioneer Woman! I have no idea what I’ll buy, and when I told my husband Van Dyke’s Restorers was a Cabela’s company, he immediately wanted to know if the gift certificate could be used there. (No.) (I don’t even want to know if it can.) (I’m not good at sharing, does nobody remember this?)

This would be lovely, though it would require me to kick in some cash to cover the difference. Never mind there’s nowhere to put it. I’d be perfectly happy with it in the living room. Watch my DVR, knit, splash a little, no biggie! Hi, company! Can you all just look out at the garden while I get out of the tub? Thannnnks.

Actually, I just realized why the site was familiar to me – a couple years ago, I was looking for some bun feet to raise our dining room table – I’d bought it from a friend, and it sat a little too low. (The table itself is really cool, it’s a reclaimed barn door, but the construction doesn’t allow you to lengthen the legs at the top.) The bun feet were pricey, and I went with something much cheaper from Lowe’s that worked for height, only to discover they didn’t work as well for stability. So! I expect I’ll be bunnin’ it up! And, the more you read and say “bun foot” the more it sounds really, really weird. Especially when you like Vietnamese food, and, um, bun (noodles).

Look for the next post to be a big ol’ smattering of Orts. There’s been lots happening, but work has been really crazy with, you know, work, and there’s more work and fewer people, so we …work a lot more. But there are still jokes and drama and funny things going on.  I’m especially chirpy because one of my dearest friends is coming to visit next weekend, and the weekend after that is my trip to the Loopy Ewe Spring Fling and whenever I think about that road trip and yarn and meeting all the knitting friends I’ve made online, I just get so excited.  Like I was today! I swear, you just get in your path and sometimes it feels like a rut, but then you come around a corner, and it’s like everyone threw you a surprise party and you remember all the reasons life gives you to be happy again!

mwah! I am cheerfully annoying. I kiss you and go. Wipe the lipstick off your cheek. I understand.


  1. Kara

    Congrats!! I saw your name on the wieners page and was almost as excited as if it were my own name. (Can’t complain – I won a gift cert on her site during one of the quizes!) Enjoy! And, also, I, for one, think it would be perfectly acceptable to put the tub in the living room. My tub is the most comfortable spot in my house and, while I haven’t tried knitting there, I definitely watch movies while I soak. Ahhh.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Beth

    Mwah to you, too.

    I love Van Dykes. You could buy two doorknobs. A drop-in sink. A log cabin pet house. Four princess phones…must turn off Internets before I buy it all!

  3. shannon in oregon

    shut up! how very cool is that?!?!? you know, i don’t normally enter her drawings so i don’t go back and look at who won. wish i would have now. :)

  4. sue

    Congrats!~ See, now, you buy two of those, put them in the garden, and you and JWo can pretend you’re in a certain ED commercial ( I won’t say the name, don’t want to give them any opportunity to link). ;)

  5. Jennifer


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