I must confess, I’ve written probably 25 blog posts in my head about the weather, the snow, the snow removal, primarily the LACK of snow removal, my street, the ruts in my street, and other drivers. I will try to cull down the 1400 vitriolic things I want to say, and just leave it at some basics.
First off, snow removal is crucial. Yep, goin’ out on a big ol’ limb there, and taking the emotional risk to put it out there. I felt like all my years living here, brazenly not wearing a coat in December, scoffing at what others called “cold” has come back to bite me in the ass. However, temperatures and snow fall notwithstanding, Kansas City does a SUCK ASS job of removing snow, especially if it happens on a holiday. I don’t buy the whole “oooo these snowplows are too BIG to fit down your street, and oooo these snowplows were too SMALL to make a difference” argument. Whatevs. I don’t believe for a second that allllll the snowplows were out on Christmas Eve, clearing the way.
Let’s talk about the Ice Ruts on my street. When I was a kid, I had a book I loved, called “The Bingity-Bangity School Bus“. It was all about this beloved school bus that I presume had no shocks, and that sucker off-roaded and tossed the kids all around (in a faithful, loving manner) in ways that would garner lawsuits by the ream these days. In any event, that’s what it’s like to drive down my street. The ruts are icy, and then you have spots where the manhole covers have melted everything, creating wonderful drop-offs that wreak havoc on a vehicle’s suspension system. We never did get salt or sand that I can ascertain, so the melting & re-freezing has made everything extra-special slick in the mornings.
And people. Weaving in and out of traffic because you’re ‘brave’ and ‘in a hurry’ is a recipe for disaster. Last week I witnessed a Lexus darting in and out, only to gain three cars’ lengths at the light. Bravo, you stupid turd. Was it exhilarating? Did you get a real rush?? C’mon. You have to just accept that it is what it is. Find your Snow Zen. Drive slowly, leave loads of room between you & the car in front of you, use your low gears if you have them, let off the gas to begin slowing down, don’t just hit the brakes, and let off the gas if you find yourself sliding. I’ve had a couple friends who had mishaps because of the ice (or b/c another driver was rubbernecking a different accident), and it sucks.
But it’s starting to melt, and that, my friends, is what I have always maintained has been KC’s approach to snow. Meh, it’ll melt. Shrug. I know it’s generated business for insurance companies, collision repair shops and chiropractors, so one could even argue the lack of snow removal has been an economic stimulus effort! (I DO have a new pair of snow boots because of all this!)