Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

New ‘Do

Well, I’ve got one thing going for me, at least!
Kickass haircut


  1. Barbara

    Ha! You’ve got a heck of a lot more than ONE THING going for you!! But, that particular one thing looks GOOD!! It brings your eyes out — pretty!!

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!! BIG HUGS.


  2. korin

    GUUUUURL, you look gorgeous! the lipstick is perfection on you also!

  3. Shannon in Oregon

    Love it!!!

  4. Shannon in Oregon

    Just noticed some slammer changed my blog link (not like I post much anymore). Very interesting.

    Anyway, love the new ‘do!!

  5. PlazaJen

    That’s so weird, Shanny. I’ll fix it in WordPress; it came through to me that way, too. Can’t these people use their powers for good?

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