Riding the Bike with One Pedal.

Good Thing it Ain’t the 1930’s.


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!

I know y’all are SHOCKED.


  1. Jo

    Oh yeah? Well, I got a -4!!!

    I can’t wait to tell the spouse.

  2. Emma Dog

    well, let’s see here…
    My score, I’m so proud to say, was a negative 43.

    Just… wow.

  3. Andrea

    I am just a poor wife. Score of 28. :D I actually printed off the test from the flickr page and have plans to print it out and frame it.

  4. cindy

    I got a 16. It must be all that cursing and red nail polish.

  5. Kara

    Hmmm. I was definitely a failure, too — but my boyfriend came out as very superior. Not that he isn’t superior — but 1930’s superior — I don’t know what that says. :)

  6. knittingayle

    Jo and EmmaDog, we’re in good company. I got a negative 1. Good thing I’m not a 1930s wife!

  7. J-Wo

    71!!! Whoohooo I’m superior! In your face!

  8. bekah

    I took this a few months ago and got some scores in the teens. I was happy that it was so low… but I’m totally jealous of Emma’s negative 43.

  9. Andrea

    My husband took it and he scored 116, very superior. LOL However if you look at the original test, the points awarded for things is way skewed. I think for the husband side, if they ensure their wife has an orgasm during marital congress, they get 50 points. Meanwhile, if the wife is excited for marital congress she only gets 5 points. I don’t believe there is anything on there where the wife can score as high as 50 points on one question. It’s totally geared toward pumping up the husband while bringing down the wife. I think this would make a great paper on gender inequality. And now I need to shut-it because it’s way too early on a Friday for me to be talking such things. LOL

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